Why Do I Still Hurt After Post-Abortive Healing?
July 23, 2020
“I gave this to God. I went through an abortion healing support group years ago. I forgave myself and allowed God to forgive me… I did all of the steps! I don’t understand why I’m feeling this pain? The loss feels so fresh and raw. ”
Seeing and Serving the Post-Abortive in Our Churches
July 10, 2020
With 1 in 4 women making an abortion decision by the age of 49, the likelihood of us encountering someone post-abortive is very high.
Loving Women Even When They Choose Abortion
July 06, 2020
Sometimes, people choose abortion even when you’ve done all you can to help them choose otherwise. Loving that person, the one who chooses what you know isn’t good for them, can be hard.
The Abortion Minded Friend: how do I love her in this journey
June 08, 2020
There are millions of reasons why a woman may be considering abortion. All of these millions of reasons boil down to one single root cause— Fear!
Father's Day-When You Are Post-Abortive
June 05, 2020
That night, because of my surrender, God was able to show me all of the ways that “Tom” had been hurt by OUR abortion experience. How selfish and naive I had been to think that I was the sole owner of the pain. God’s desire wasn’t only to heal my heart but he wanted to heal “Tom’s” heart too. My prayer for “Tom” every day since that night has been “God, show me how to love him as you do.”
Mother's Day for the Post-Abortive Woman
I had believed the lie that I made a choice that was unforgivable and had no right to do anything other than “live with it”. I believed the lie that I had to be strong and silent in any suffering that I felt. I believed the lie that I had no “right” to hurt because I made the choice for abortion not once, but twice within a year of each other.
Supporting the Post-Abortive Woman During a Pandemic
The physical doors of the church may be closed but the CHURCH isn’t closed! The building may not be operating in the same capacities as just a few short weeks ago but the body is working overtime! You and I are the church.