Seeing and Serving the Post-Abortive in Our Churches
July 10, 2020
Generally speaking, the Christian community is very vocal about pro-life beliefs and efforts. It’s incredibly beautiful to see the Pro-Life Movement come together across denominational lines to educate, inform, and activate the body on a national and local level; yet sometimes in our passionate conversations and in efforts to save the unborn, we can also alienate members of our own movement.
I was recently at a gathering of pro-life Christians where an attendee of the meeting was moved to tears in asking how anyone could abort their child. This woman has a beautiful testimony of adoption and feels blessed to be adopted so she is challenged to understand the desperation of an abortion decision. In the moment, without ill intent, another woman responded “they are just selfish”. While this response is somewhat true because most abortions are a decision made out of self-preservation, the way it was delivered felt harsh. Her words cut me. My heart was instantly grieved at the thought of a post-abortive man or woman hearing those words and how those words would validate their own thoughts and feelings of being unworthy, dirty, and broken. She later apologized for her choice of words and as I left that meeting, I was thankful that God allowed that moment to happen, that He allowed me to see how easily we could potentially discourage the post-abortive to open up and share their story.
How do we SEE the post-abortive in our churches?
These are the most recent numbers reported by Guttmacher:
-1 in 4 women will make an abortion decision by age 49
-54% of these women identify as Christian
-59% of abortions were obtained by patients who had at least one birth
-39% of patients were white, 28% black, 25% for Hispanic, and 9% other races & ethnicities
These statistics tell me the abortion industry doesn’t care what color your skin is or what your beliefs are! With 1 in 4 women who experience abortion, the likelihood of us encountering someone who has experienced abortion in our homes, churches, schools, circle of friends, and workplaces are very high.
Why aren’t we hearing their stories?
Why don’t we know who they are?
Why do these statistics shock us?
How can we serve the post-abortive in and through our churches if we aren’t able to SEE them?
They have tucked the guilt, shame, and pain away and put a brave face on because the fear of rejection is too much to risk. Many of them have been a part of conversations where a blanket statement has been made about people who choose abortion resulting in them feeling like they are unable to share about their experience. We can serve them without seeing them by being conscious that the abortion rate is the same inside the walls of the church as it is outside of the church. What we say and how we say it matters! We have the power of life and death in our tongues. (Proverbs 18:21) Will we lead the broken into the arms of The Redeemer or allow them to remain bound by their abortion experience?
How do we SERVE the post-abortive in our churches?
I love to give meaningful gifts! I get so excited when I know that I have picked out the most perfect present. I think about the needs of the person, consider everything going on in their current circumstances, take note of their hobbies and the wrapping has to be just as amazing and thoughtful as the gift itself! I see serving the post-abortive kind of the same way. Each and every person is so incredibly unique and deserves intentionality into us seeing them and ministering to them with God’s love. Here are a few ways that your church community can serve the post-abortive:
Talk about God’s desire to heal hearts from the pulpit.
If you are post-abortive and have walked through healing share your story! We can help others heal, we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. (Revelation 12:11)
In our pro-life conversations being mindful that 54% of women who have experienced abortion identify themselves as Christian, they are in our churches!
Refrain from using harsh language and judgment when speaking about those who have experienced abortion, it’s God’s kindness that leads us into repentance. (Romans 2:4)
Offer abortion healing support groups in your church – a few resources are Surrendering the Secret, Forgiven & Set Free, and Transforming Your Story.
If you are unable to offer an abortion healing support group at your church connect with a local pro-life pregnancy center to see if they offer one and partner with them. You can also connect with for real-time confidential resources.
This article was published on July 06, 2020 by Focus on the Family and can be found HERE